
2SLGBTQ Foundations:

This workshop includes an introduction to the language developed and used by the 2SLGBTQ community surrounding gender identity, sexual orientation, and present day community social development. This will bring participants a strong foundational understanding of how to apply 2SLGBTQ allyship in your workplace, communities and families.

Beyond the Acronym:

This workshop expands the conversation around 2SLGBTQ identity including a deep dive into Intersex, Pansexual, and Asexual Identities, a discussion of 2SLGBTQ global immigration and asylum seekers, introduce considerations for LGBTQ seniors and explore issues around current queer representation in politics and the media.

Trans and Non-Binary Foundations:

This workshop will introduce participants to Trans and Non-Binary Identities, terms and definitions, address pronouns usage tips and tricks, discuss present day common barriers for Trans folks, and recommend best practices for integrating gender diverse people in your workplace, communities and family.

Beyond the Binary:

This session expands the conversation about Trans and Non-Binary Identity to address an expanded range of gender identities and pronouns, contemporary social and political hurdles; including participation in sports, socialized gender barriers, trans medicalization, representation and current issues in the media.

Unconscious Bias 101

Unconscious bias impacts our everyday lives; whether it's within personal relationships or workplaces. Anda Fabrig and Victoria Bucholtz go through what unconscious bias is, different types, and strategies to combat bias in workplaces and organizations.

Micro-Aggressions 101:

An introduction to micro-aggressions, their impact, and how to recognize these instances in your everyday life. Anda and Victoria go through real-life experiences to provide context and how to address them in your communities, workplace, and families through bystander intervention. Taught with a focus on queer and racialized communities.

Queer Current Events:

The queer community has been experiencing collective trauma related to our lived identities in western society. Recently, drag bans, all ages drag shows, and anti-trans legislation have been sweeping through the United States and are affecting our communities everywhere. This session, taught by Victoria Bucholtz will move through these current events through a historical lens and share how these events are allowing us to see history repeating itself.

Anti-Asian Racism in Canada:

This workshop explores the history of Anti-Asian Racism in Canada and how racism against Asian and Pacific Islander folks has increased during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We explore statistics from both Canada and the United States, and how our values and beliefs have been impacted by systemic racism towards these communities.

Queer History of the 20th Century:

This workshop explores the context of the historical LGBTQ rights movement and how it impacts us today. Including significant figures and moments from early German advocacy in the 1900’s, mob-owned underground gay bars, drag queen nuns, challenges to the criminal code ,and the many, many riots that would lead to the Pride movement. This is a perspective on history like you’ve never seen it before.

100 Years of Drag History:

Bringing participants through a 100 years in the art of drag, this workshop will explore the origins of drag culture and its development across the world from early pioneers of ball culture to the current effects of Rupaul's Drag Race. You will leave with an understanding of the rich cultural impact that drag has on our world today.

Book your session with us today.

It all begins with an idea, foundational training from lived experience helping create conversation for your workplace, community organization or group. Our facilitators will help bridge the gaps in understanding and help you develop your internal and external strategies for ally-ship.